You may be wondering how we came up with the name.."scriptive hangover"..(or maybe you aren't wondering)..but nevertheless, the explanation shall proceed. We all know that liquor, or "drank" whichever you prefer, somehow brings out the TRUTH..and truth be told, some doc's should def research the reasonings behind this occurance..ha. Maybe that is already in the works..& I see that I am side stepping so back to what I was saying..The realness comes out whenever the intake starts to set in. Therefore, you will be submerging into authentic thoughts as you continue to engross into our thoughts. "Our" being..myself and Ciara J..better known as CeeCee, or thickums! Tee Hee..&& thanks to Chris, Pookie, and BeeY for your help on choosing our name...but it all came down to a coin toss guys. Scriptive Hangover won as you can see. As I construct this introduction, I am tuning my ears to "Kem"..really soulful music. If you're not familiar, you should get familiarized :) I am also staring at this big ass (idk why being profane in blogging feels weird to me) but, yes, I am staring at this picture of me in the corner thinking Kim, you have such a big "ego" ha..but the thing is..this is my intro, so I found it appropriate. Lastly, Scriptive Hangover does not mean every post will be the aftermath of a sloppy drunken spew, but a glass of wine and a good post will for sure be a regular occurance. I hope you all will enjoy. . .
ReplyDeletehaha thanks for your support Niise..it's greatly appreciated :)