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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

"King James left the playoffs as a loser"..thats what they said

So, after venting a little yesterday, I don't mind talking some NBA. Cmon, guys..woman to man, let's dish this shit out. LeBron didn't win the game..we won't be WITNESSING anymore this year. Ok, that is done. Magic came through as a team and held it down, no fronting here. The question is tho..did LeBron handle his loss like a man, or did he take a cowardly bow and fold out?..Well, that would be my question to you. After reading the article that I've included, I've come to realize that there's always a given. In this game, there will be a winner, and there will be a loser. MJ has lost games, yet and still he has taken a graceful bow and has shaken the hands of his winning opponents. Now, who would even like to look at a person who has just stripped away your chances at a championship? No one. So, I can understand how shaking the next mans hand could be a struggle to put forth. But hey, when you're running off lackluster fuel, fighting for a championship, you may want to look away from your teamates..(smile)..seriously tho. C'mon, Lebron was running off of his own fuel, on another teams home court. Your team MUST step up..especially when you have a gang of excellent shooters on the opposing team.

So, it has come down to Lakers vs. Magic..

Eh?...GO MAGIC...Better luck next time LeBron, work on that handshake sir.


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